Mjeku apel grave që puthin burrat me mjekër – Insajderi
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    Mjeku apel grave që puthin burrat me mjekër

    22 July 2024 - 10:25
    Klikoni Këtu për t'u bërë pjesë e kanalit të Insajderit në Youtube.

    Një mjek ka paralajmëruar gratë që kanë një partner me mjekër të marrin masa para se ta puthin.

    Dr.Sermed Mezher, një mjek me bazë në Londër, ndau një video me ndjekësit e tij në TikTok të një gruaje që tregonte se çka i ndodhi lëkurës së saj.

    Ajo besonte se kjo i ndodhi pasi “puthi një burrë me mjekër”. Ai tha, sipas mendimit të tij profesional, ajo kishte marrë një infeksion bakterial të lëkurës dhe konfirmoi se nuk e kishte gabim për shkakun e mundshëm.

    Mjeki tha: “Mjekra mund të jetë një shkak mjaft i zakonshëm. Arsyeja për këtë është se qimet e vogla në mjekër mund të shkaktojuni vripa të vogla në lëkurën tonë dhe pastaj futen bakteret, veçanërisht nëse burri nuk e mirëmban mjekrën siç duhet”.

    Sipas tij, infeksioni nuk është serioz. Me trajtimin e duhur, zakonisht mund të përmirësohet brenda pak ditësh.

    @drsermedmezher “Bearded Guys Are So Hot” #wait. Beards have become a popular fashion statement, but maintaining them is crucial for both personal hygiene and the health of those who come into close contact with them. If beards are not hygienically kept, they can harbor a significant amount of bacteria. The structure of beard hair can trap food particles, sweat, dead skin cells, and environmental pollutants. These trapped elements create a warm, moist environment that is ideal for bacterial growth. Over time, if not properly cleaned, a beard can become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. When kissing, bacteria from an unclean beard can easily transfer to a partner's skin. This transfer of bacteria can lead to various skin infections. One common infection is folliculitis, an inflammation of the hair follicles that can cause red, swollen bumps that may be itchy or painful. Another potential infection is impetigo, a highly contagious skin condition that leads to red sores, which can burst and develop honey-colored crusts. Additionally, bacterial dermatitis, which causes general skin irritation and inflammation, can also result from exposure to bacteria-laden beards. To prevent these health risks, regular washing and proper grooming of the beard are essential. Using mild soap or specialized beard shampoos can help remove trapped particles and reduce bacterial buildup. Regular trimming and brushing can prevent tangles and ensure that the beard stays clean and healthy. It's also important to maintain good overall facial hygiene, including regular washing of the face and hands. By taking these steps, individuals with beards can enjoy their facial hair without compromising their own health or the health of their partners. #skin #women #interesting ♬ Storytelling – Adriel

    Nga Rubrika

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