Ownership, Funding & Trademark Information

INSIDER L.L.C, Company Number 71239969 is a registered Limited Liabilities Company covered by the laws of Republic of Kosovo. The Ministry of Trade and Industry administers the business registration system since September 13, 2001. Based on provisions of Regulation 2001/6 and Administrative Order 2002/22 has been established the Kosovo Registry of Business Organizations and Trade Names.

Our full registered address is Prishtinë, Tringë Smajli, Nr.40. Our business contact number is +383 49 338 583.

The Ownership Structure of INSIDER L.L.C is 50/50 shares of which are owned by Parim Olluri and Vehbi Kajtazi. They are the founders of Insider L.L.C. The executive director is Parim Olluri and Editor- In- Chief of the INSAJDERI News Network is Vehbi Kajtazi. 

INSIDER L.L.C  creates, collects, and distributes news, information, and entertainment through a daily newspaper and a website (www.insajderi.org) produce for TV: weekly investigative documentary #INDOKS, and other tv shows under #INSAJDERI.TV and Facebook Page: 

Insider L.L.C has registered trademark in Kosovo with registered number: 27063 by Industrial Property Agency / Ministry of TRade and Industry / Government of Kosovo.

Screenshot from the scanned document of Trademark Certificate

Screenshot of Trademark Certificate

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